How do I place an order?
First, click on the product image or product name to view the item details. Choose the color or size, then enter the quantity you want to purchase. You can click the “buy now” button to proceed to checkout directly, or “add to cart” and buy later with other items. You can view your cart by clicking on the cart button in the upper right-hand section of every page.
If you would prefer to purchase from our Amazon store, just click the “Buy on Amazon” button on every product page.
You can contact us by Email or call us at 13189327187 (Mon - Fri: 10AM - 4PM, PST) if you have any questions.
How do I pay for my purchase?
We currently accept Paypal payments.
You can log in to your Paypal account to pay. (What is Paypal?)
How do I change or cancel my order after I’ve placed it?
In-stock items normally ship within 1-5 business days after an order has been placed. We will accept changes or the cancellation of your order for items that have not shipped or if they are on back-order.To change or cancel your order, contact our Customer Service via email or call at 13189327187 (Mon - Fri: 10AM - 4PM, PST). We’ll do everything we can to accommodate your request. Once an item has shipped, cancellation is not possible. Click here to access our Return Policy.
Why is the price for an item different from when I added it to the shopping cart?
Prices are subject to change—including temporary reductions as well as permanent increases. The prices of items in your cart represent the current price for which you will be charged.
Where can I find assembly instructions?
We will add a copy of assembly instructions in every product package that requires assembly.
You can also contact our customer service via email to get one.
How do I track my order?
After you placed an order, you will receive email updates about your order. The “Order Confirmation” email confirms that we have received your order. The order number and product information will be included. The “Shipment Confirmation” email confirms that your order has shipped, and tracking information will be included. The arrival time of your items depends on the designated shipping method and your shipping location.
You can track your order on our site here.
This site has security measures in place to protect against the loss, misuse and alteration of the information under our control. All orders are transmitted over secure internet connections using SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) encryption technology. All of your personal information, including your credit card information and sign-in password, is stored in an encrypted format at all times.This website, and more importantly, all user information, is further protected by a multilayer firewall-based security system.